really good, but i couldnt hear the bass, if there was a bassist, other than that, incredibly good!!!!
really good, but i couldnt hear the bass, if there was a bassist, other than that, incredibly good!!!!
Thanks! Yeah there was bass in it
almost a perfect punk rock song, plz check out some of my work!!!!
well thank you. and i sure will
really good, im starting to like ska, this is awesome
All Ska is awesome. It is the end all, be all of music. If you decide you want to hear some more, hit me up with a PM, I'll be sure to send you a nice long list of great (and universally underrated) Ska bands.
im more of a fan of trance than techno, but this is decent, good dance song good job
Hey thanks for the review... i've got some trance songs in the works. I'll PM about those.
i loved it, you should have turned the distortion up though, other than that, really catchy riff, which is what i look for in a punk song
thx.. i'm glad you liked it
i like the bass in the begining, then how the guitar comes in at the right time, you couldnt make it any better, then the power chords come in, in other words, this is put together perfectly, and after all that, it went back to the bass line going solo again, it was done very well
Thanks! I'm glad you like it!
I didnt like the synth that much,reminded me to much of Ape Escape (a game for the PlayStation 1 that i would play as a little kid, and had really annoying music) but i liked the guitar, Yea, and i heard you quit smoking (on your myspace) so thats good, cuz i really didnt like the voice.
yeah once i fully quit i gotta just rerecord everything i have done so far... man it sounds so much better with a clear throat... instead of a 15-yera old boy i sound like THE FUCKIN MAN! :) haha
is this a real guitar? it sounds a little different then a real guitar? if it is just a synthisizer, i suggest u use a real guitar, other then that it is very nice, and was a good idea
Yeah its a real guitar but the reason it sounds like a synth is because I plug directly in using Gearbox and a Line 6 usb audio interface instead of miking an amp. Thanks for the review!
awesome, but to bad things to it, too short, and whats with the name?? but they are very little Cons, so its very good
lol, thanks for the review!
very powerful, i suggest you do a gospel song next. lol, no really this was really awesome!
lol, thanks a lot dude !
I'm a clever little fuck.
Age 58, Male
School For Pedophiles.
Joined on 6/15/08